Morgan is now 3 1/2 years old and she has taken swimming lessons 4 years in a row. The first 2 years her and I took them together. But last summer and this summer she has taken them all by herself at Willow Creek Country Club. She had so much fun this year. It makes such a difference when kids are comfortable in the water. The best part is I don't have to constantly worry she is going to go under or fall off the steps or go to far where she can't touch. Morgan loves the pool and this year decided she doesn't have to wear her floaties or tube and can touch the bottom everywhere in the kid pool. She did great and I just put a collage of pictures to show her off. There is one where she has her hands up by her face and this is my favorite. The teacher asked her to blow bubbles. Last year, Morgan's teacher helped her out so she didn't have to put her face in the water by doing it in her hands. I guess Morgan still likes that better than her face too close to the water!!