Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Look-alike Meter - Family search - Lineage

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Swimming Lessons 2008

Morgan is now 3 1/2 years old and she has taken swimming lessons 4 years in a row. The first 2 years her and I took them together. But last summer and this summer she has taken them all by herself at Willow Creek Country Club. She had so much fun this year. It makes such a difference when kids are comfortable in the water. The best part is I don't have to constantly worry she is going to go under or fall off the steps or go to far where she can't touch. Morgan loves the pool and this year decided she doesn't have to wear her floaties or tube and can touch the bottom everywhere in the kid pool. She did great and I just put a collage of pictures to show her off. There is one where she has her hands up by her face and this is my favorite. The teacher asked her to blow bubbles. Last year, Morgan's teacher helped her out so she didn't have to put her face in the water by doing it in her hands. I guess Morgan still likes that better than her face too close to the water!!
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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

My Mother's Day...

These pictures are a little late, but this is Morgan on Mother's Day. She was the best and didn't quite get the holiday but knew that it was my day and she was going to make it a good day. She told me "happy mother's day, mom!" a number of times during the day. She is beautiful and I am so glad I have her.

She insisted on a picture with her horse...notice she is helping the horse wave to the camera...what a nerd!!

She is getting so big.

I love you Mo!! -Love, Mom
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Sunday, June 1, 2008

Morgan's First In N Out Experience...

On the way home from Las Vegas, I wanted to stop at the In n Out in St. George. Morgan usually orders chicken nuggets when we do fast food so from Mesquite on I was talking up how great In n Out is and that we are going to have a yummy hamburger because they are the best!! It was so funny how she was getting into it and getting excited.

Here are the two of us enjoying our cheeseburger together. She was a good sport and did eat which surprised me. Thanks Mo for letting me take you to In N Out!!

Don't we look like we belong together??!!

This is Morgan and how excited she was to be there!!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Memorial Day...

For Memorial Day, Morgan, myself, and my sister Becky packed up and went to Las Vegas for warmer weather. Unfortunately, we didn't get warmer weather but we had fun.

Here we are with our princess boa's on!! The funny thing is I told mo to make a face and we sort of look like we randomly chose the same face. Like mother, Like daughter!!

Here we are at dinner after a long day and we are both a little tired.

I had to post this picture....Isn't she the most beautiful girl? I am so lucky to have such a perfect daughter. We had so much fun together on our little trip.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My Mom...Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day Mom!!!

This is my sweet mother and I just wanted to post a tribute to her. Right now she is living in South Africa serving a mission with my dad. I really miss her right now especially as Mother's Day approaches. She is the best mom I could've ever asked for. She has always been there for me and as I have gotten older we have just become closer and closer. I currently live in her house and sometimes I wish I could just go get on her bed at night and talk to her about my day. She is the best person to talk to and gives the best advice. Too bad I am too stubborn to take all of that advice. That is the other trait about her that is great is how patient she is. She has put up with a lot and I love her for it. I probably don't tell her enough (especially now that she lives on a different continent) but I love and appreciate her more than she knows. She is so funny too. I love joking around with her and teasing my dad....He has a hard time because her and I are funnier than he is!! For those of you who don't know...I am adopted and so it is unlikely that I would look like my mom. Some of my favorite moments are when I am somewhere with my mom and someone tells us how much I look like my mom. My mom and I just look at each other and say thanks and then laugh because they don't know that I am adopted. Little does my mom know, I love when people tell me this. I look up to my mom so much and love that people would think I look like her. She is the greates mom in the world and I miss her so much right now. She is doing so great over in Africa with my dad. They are doing great things which is no surprise to me. They are both great people. My mom is my best friend and I love the relationship that we have grown into. We are so close and she helps me in so many ways. I also want to mention what a wonderful grandma she is. She is a very proud grandma to 16 grandchildren that she loves so much. She is always very fair with all of them and they all love her so much. Morgan talks about her all the time and that Grandma would always take her to McDonald's. Just this morning when we were driving to school she asked "when is Grandma coming home?" I said not until next summer. Morgan got so sad and then asked when Santa was coming. I told her at Christmas. She said, "if I ask Santa, will he bring her home for me?" So cute!! Mom...we love you so much and you are truly missed. You are the best mom and I love you as a teacher, mother, and best friend. You are the greatest example and I hope I can be the type of mom to Morgan as you were to me.

Happy Mother's Day!
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Proud to Be A Mom!!

Well I am so grateful to be a mom this MOTHER'S DAY. Morgan had a mom's night this week at her school and it was so cute. This is video from it. If you can't understand some of the songs, that's ok, because neither can I. The little blonde girl on Morgan's left is her best friend at school, Melayna. They are the cutest little girls and they love to play together. The blonde boy behind Morgan is Sean. She claims he is her boyfriend, but who knows. I can tell she likes him because when we left the program I said to tell Sean goodbye and she got embarrassed and mad at me. She said to me, "Mom, he heard you say that!" It was so cute but I wonder if I should worry she is starting so young!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

100 Reasons Why I Love Morgan...

So I was going through all my pictures and came across this one. This is one of my favorite pictures of Morgan. She had just woken up from a nap and was so happy and I just think she looks so beautiful. So I decided to Blog some of my favorite things about her.

100 Reasons I Love Morgan

1. I love when she sneaks into my bed at night and I don't know it until I wake up in the morning.
2. If it was up to her she would drink chocolate milk all day and eat no food. (Not a favorite thing for Mom)
3. I love that she can eat 2 tiny bites of her meal and tell me that her "tummy is SO full."
4. I love that she uses "her" instead of "she" in her sentences. I try to correct her but she doesn't agree with me. ex. "her" is so cute!
5. I love that when I pick her up from preschool she says to me, "I was missing you today!"
6. She has the best nose I have ever met...I eat chocolate and she sniff the air and say, "I smell chocolate!" or eating anything fruity smelling and she says, "I smell gum!" (She likes the fruity gum)
7. I love that she has more toys than the toy store but would still rather play with me. (That is why I can't get anything done or clean)
8. I love when she rolls her eyes at me.
9. I think she would rather be a dog than a child. Every day she crawls around behind me acting like a "cute little puppy."
10. She has a blanket that is silky on one side and velour on the other and when I cover her up she always wants the "cold" (silky) side on her.
11. I love that she notices anything I get that is sunglasses, new phone, when I change purses, etc. ANYTHING.
12. She also notices when I wash my car. She always tells me that it looks "nice and clean."
13. She could spend hours in the bath if I let her and the water stayed warm enough.
14. She knows that I love Diet Coke and knows that is usually what I am drinking.
15. I love that she likes my rearview mirror to be on her so she can make silly faces at me while I am driving. (Safe?)
16. I love that when I turn on the music she is already opinionated and will make requests for specific songs.
17. I love that she knows all the words to those songs she is requesting.
18. I love that when I look at her sleeping I can see her face when she was a newborn baby sleeping.
19. I love that if I ask her who she looks like she will say me. (She might be the only who thinks this!)
20. Her favorite color is PINK and she always tells me, "Everybody loves PINK!"
21. When Morgan is sick she wants to cuddle with me and even though she is sick I love how much she cuddles.
22. Every Tuesday when I pick her up early to go to dance she gets more excited each week.
23. Her favorite store is Target.
24. I can take her to Target instead of McDonald’s on a Saturday and she gets the same enjoyment and I don't have to go to McDonald’s.
25. When we go to Target she insists on going to look at shoes first.
26. She is good at remembering a grocery list. I can tell her 1 or 2 items that we HAVE to get and she will remind me as we pass by them down the aisle.

27. I love that when she is trying to tell me something she will hold my face in her hands so I will look at her.

28. I love when she tells me, "I am tired...can I go to bed?"

29. I love that every piece of paper she draws on she wants me to keep and not throw away.

30. I love when I am getting dressed she will give me her opinion about my outfit...good or bad!

31. I love that I can tell her to pick out some shoes for me and she picks some that match.

32. I love how much she loves all of the Disney Princesses.

33. I love that she is 3 years old and is obsessed with High School Musical 1 & 2.

34. For the fans...She knows that Troy and Gabriella are 'in love' and always tells me.

35. I love that I have been to Disneyland with her 3 times and she loves it almost more than I do.

36. I love that her favorite ride at Disneyland are the Teacups and would ride them all day long if I let her.

37. I love that she can sing most of the Disney princess songs from the movies.

38. I sometimes love how much she loves playing with Play-doh...because I don't.

39. I love that she can get her Play-doh out by herself and put it away by herself, so I don't have to touch it.

40. I love that she will sometimes let me be the mom or sister when we are playing house, because most of the time she wants me to be the dad or brother.

41. I love how much she loves her cousins, because I love my nieces and nephews so much and she does to.

42. I love that when I ask her what she did at school today she will say, 'anything.' I am not sure if she means 'nothing' or 'everything.'

43. I love that she can make me laugh any time of the day no matter what kind of day I have had.

44. I love all her different faces of emotions (happy, sad, grumpy, mad, etc.) Sometimes it is a game and I can say a face and she will do it and hold it until I say the next emotion.

45. I love that when I am sad and she can tell, she will come give me a hug and ask if I'm ok.

46. I love how much she loves bacon...I am not a huge fan but she can eat more than a 3 year old probably should.

47. I love that she loves going to Carl's Cafe and eating their scones.

48. I love that she can get in her own car seat, put the straps on and do the top buckle.

49. I love that if I start to go and haven't buckled the bottom, she says, "STOP mom and buckle me!"

50. I love when it is bedtime and she wants me to scratch her back..."just for a second." - She says

51. I sometimes love when she gets out of bed and tells me she forgot to give me a hug or tell me something.

52. I love that whenever I take a picture of her she immediately wants to look at on my camera.

53. I love when we go somewhere that she will be meeting someone she tells me, "Mom, I won't be shy."

54. I love that no matter what she usually is shy.

55. I love that she will correct me with her name if I decide to call her a silly nickname. She will say, "No mom, it's Morgan."

56. I love when she points to an 'owie' and says, "I think I might need a band-aid."

57. I love that she is potty trained and has a bladder of steel and goes to the bathroom less than me. I am not sure if this is healthy, but she can hold it.

58. I love that she wants lotion on after her bath...I am the same way and can't live without it.

59. I love that she giggles during every bath when I wash her feet.

60. I love that she will talk on her pretend cell phone to anyone and everyone. After she's done she will tell me about their whole (pretend) conversation.

61. I love that when she is at her dad's house, I can call her and she will talk to me on the phone.

62. I love that she uses the same lunchbox for school that I did when I was little. (It's Strawberry Shortcake and is so cute!)

63. I love in the morning she will help me pack her lunch and will tell me what she will feel like for lunch that day.

64. Where we live there are 2 treadmills side by side and so when I go running I love that she wants to walk on the one next to me at the same time.

65. I love when she tries to teach me the songs that she learns at school.

66. I love that she always sits still while I fix her hair.

67. I love that while she is eating she will get down because she needs to give me a hug.

68. I love the random times she tells me she loves me.

69. I love how she likes to pick out her hair clips and bows to match her outfit.

70. I love reading books with her in bed at night.

71. I love how she puts her dirty clothes in her hamper by herself.

72. I love when she helps me with the laundry.

73. I love her long blonde hair.

74. I love that people always tell me what a beautiful little girl she is.

75. I love that she is my best friend.
76. I love that she loves shoes as much as I do.
77. I love when she helps me make dinner. (When I cook...)
78. I love that she can't wait for the summer to come for the pool to open.
79. Whenever she is cold, I love that she wants her blanket wrapped around her.
80. I love when she sits on my lap while I am working on the computer. (Like right now)
81. She loves to tell me, "Mom, I told you so..."
82. I love our walks on Sunday afternoon.
83. I love watching her learn to ride her bike.
84. I love the way Morgan smells after she takes her bath.
85. I love that she is opinionated...I love it now, but I might now in 10 years!
86. I love taking her out to eat.
87. I love that she calls every meal 'dinner.'
88. I love how petite she is and all of her clothes are too big for her.
89. I love when I yawn she says, "Mom are you tired? Do you need to take a nap?" Which the answer is usually, "Yes and yes!"
90. I love how much she loves to play dress-up.
91. I love the day I pick her up after having a weekend without her.
92. I love when she gives me butterfly kisses (with her eyelashes) and I give them back and she giggles because it tickles.
93. I love that she likes for me to check her email and read what family has sent to her. (When I was 3 I don't think I knew what a computer was.)
94. I love when she is playing with her dolls and repeats something that I say to her.
95. I love that she will ask what time it is and she thinks she knows what that means.
96. Our favorite book is "I love you so much..." and so is "way way more than you know" and when I ask her how much she loves me she will say..."Way way more than you know, Mom."
97. I love that she can't stay mad at me.
98. I love that I can't stay mad at her.
99. I love that there are more than 100 reasons that I love this girl.

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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Me and My MO...

Morgan and I decided to enjoy the good weather and went outside last week to play and take a walk. Whenever I have the camera Morgan loves to do silly faces, but I did get a normal smile out of her.

Princesses on ICE...

Morgan and I have seen most of the Disney on Ice shows that have come to Salt Lake, so when we heard the Princesses were coming we got tickets the day they went on sale. Here are some pictures from our night on the town.

My own little Princess!!
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Friday, March 7, 2008

My "Bubbly" Girl...

Morgan has many favorite songs and memorizes the words to all the songs. Here she is singing her favorite song, "Bubbly" by Colbie Caillat. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Two of a Kind....

Here are two of my nephews Nathan and Benjamin. They are five years old and two of the cutest boys I have ever met. They are the best of friends and if you listen to the conversations they have you will fall in love. They talk about everything together and are funny because they want to talk in "private." It must be serious!! They have told me that they already decided they are not getting married when they get older and they are just going to be best friends forever. Nathan is the most loving boy and is so kind and considerate of others. He is an adult in a 5 year old body. I love him so much!! Benji is my little gummy bear. When he was a baby, he was a chubby little boy with the softest skin and so I nicknamed his tummy the gummy tummy which turned into calling him a gummy bear. The great thing to me is that I still call him that. He is not to fond of it anymore...most of the time! He will tell me he isn't but I can tell he still wants to be called just not in front of his friends. And of course he has grown out of the gummy tummy but he is still my little gummy bear!! I love both of these boys so much!!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

My Nephew Josh

My nephew Josh was baptized on Saturday and this is him. He is the sweetest boy. My favorite thing about him is that he gives the best hugs ever. Whether I am coming or going he is always the first to run up and give me a hug. He is so amazing and patient as well. Morgan loves him so much too. He is always there wanting to play with her and he is so patient with her. He is great with kids. I am proud of him and love him so much.
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Sunday, February 17, 2008

Valentines at 'Buttons N Bows'...

Morgan had a Valentines Day Party at her school (Buttons N Bows) that I was able to go to. We frosted cookies and made Valentines. It is always fun to go and see Morgan and all of her friends there. The other blonde in the pictures is her best friend Melayna. They are so cute together.