Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Look-alike Meter - Family search - Lineage

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Swimming Lessons 2008

Morgan is now 3 1/2 years old and she has taken swimming lessons 4 years in a row. The first 2 years her and I took them together. But last summer and this summer she has taken them all by herself at Willow Creek Country Club. She had so much fun this year. It makes such a difference when kids are comfortable in the water. The best part is I don't have to constantly worry she is going to go under or fall off the steps or go to far where she can't touch. Morgan loves the pool and this year decided she doesn't have to wear her floaties or tube and can touch the bottom everywhere in the kid pool. She did great and I just put a collage of pictures to show her off. There is one where she has her hands up by her face and this is my favorite. The teacher asked her to blow bubbles. Last year, Morgan's teacher helped her out so she didn't have to put her face in the water by doing it in her hands. I guess Morgan still likes that better than her face too close to the water!!
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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

My Mother's Day...

These pictures are a little late, but this is Morgan on Mother's Day. She was the best and didn't quite get the holiday but knew that it was my day and she was going to make it a good day. She told me "happy mother's day, mom!" a number of times during the day. She is beautiful and I am so glad I have her.

She insisted on a picture with her horse...notice she is helping the horse wave to the camera...what a nerd!!

She is getting so big.

I love you Mo!! -Love, Mom
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Sunday, June 1, 2008

Morgan's First In N Out Experience...

On the way home from Las Vegas, I wanted to stop at the In n Out in St. George. Morgan usually orders chicken nuggets when we do fast food so from Mesquite on I was talking up how great In n Out is and that we are going to have a yummy hamburger because they are the best!! It was so funny how she was getting into it and getting excited.

Here are the two of us enjoying our cheeseburger together. She was a good sport and did eat which surprised me. Thanks Mo for letting me take you to In N Out!!

Don't we look like we belong together??!!

This is Morgan and how excited she was to be there!!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Memorial Day...

For Memorial Day, Morgan, myself, and my sister Becky packed up and went to Las Vegas for warmer weather. Unfortunately, we didn't get warmer weather but we had fun.

Here we are with our princess boa's on!! The funny thing is I told mo to make a face and we sort of look like we randomly chose the same face. Like mother, Like daughter!!

Here we are at dinner after a long day and we are both a little tired.

I had to post this picture....Isn't she the most beautiful girl? I am so lucky to have such a perfect daughter. We had so much fun together on our little trip.